Matthew 25:40

“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’

A research study found that an individual who makes $32,400 a year or more is in the top 1% of income earners in the world. THE WORLD. By American standards that amount of money is not considered wealthy at all. It is actually considered almost lower class by many income surveys. Americans, for the most part, have been given SO MUCH in regards to wealth compared to the rest of the world. So what are we to do with what we have been given?

What does this mean for me? Luke 12:48 tells us, “To whom much is given, much is required.” Jesus was the ultimate example of this verse. Jesus used all He had to serve and love others. He lived a perfect life and ultimately showed us how to live out this verse by giving up His life for us. Don’t lose me on this; Jesus isn’t calling us to physically DIE, at least I don’t think so. But I do believe Jesus is calling us to die to ourselves and give to others, especially those in need.

“What do I have to give? What can I share with others? I feel like I have nothing to offer!” These are some thoughts I myself have even had. After some reflection there are three things, I believe, we have all been given by God that we can use to serve others. The first is ability. You have been given a gift by God. Yes you! I know this for a fact. It could be your ability to knit, your ability to be creative, to sing, to dance, or even your ability to make food! We have all been given some sort of ability or talent from God. Find a way to serve others using this ability!

The second thing you have been given is time. There are community outreach opportunities no matter where you are in the world. Use your time wisely. It is one of the greatest gifts God has given you. Maybe instead of watching TV one night, you volunteer at a food pantry. I don’t know, but the best way to know is to ask God to reveal the gifts He has given you and go from there.

The third thing you have been given is money/possessions. This is something I have been struggling with because even when I have everything I need, the world tells me I need more. What if we changed our mindset. Instead of thinking, “What can I get for myself?” We say, “Who can I get something for?” Serving about others will always fill our hearts more than a new pair of shoes or a new outfit could ever. This is a promise Jesus gives us.

Look guys, I have always been intimidated by this whole serving thing. I feel like there are so many problems and it would take something huge to fix it all. Remember that serving others doesn’t have to be something huge. My pastor Tyler always says, “Small acts done with great love can change the world.” If you want to see your world change, start by using what God has given you to serve others. And like our verse today says, by serving others less fortunate, you will be serving Jesus.

What gifts has God given me?

How can I use my gifts to serve others?

Dear Lord, thank you for constantly speaking into our lives with words of wisdom. I pray you open our eyes to the gifts You have given us and help us use these gifts to serve Your people. We love you and we praise you. Amen!

Have a great day!

C. Lyman



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