August 10, 2022

Romans 8:26

“And the Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness…”

When I think about the word weakness, I think about areas in my life where I don’t feel confident or I need improvement. For the longest time my weakness was speaking. Not like literally speaking, but in front of a large group of people. It terrified me and after doing some research it seems like it terrifies a lot of people, which oddly comforted me less.

I found myself so nervous and anxious when I would go to speak. I didn’t do it a lot and when I did, it always felt like it was life or death. This thing better be perfect and I better not misspeak or else I would never be invited back and people would think I am insufficient.

None of these are actually true. Even if we absolutely fail when speaking, people have so much grace because they know how tough it is. I’ll never forget the first time I spoke in front of a large group. I was giving my testimony at FCA for the first time. I didn’t really practice, but I had all my notes in front of me. Train. Wreck.

It went about as bad as it could have. It didn’t make sense. It was hard to follow. It had no passion. It was dead and I was mortified. People were encouraging after, but in the kind of way where it was like they felt bad for me haha.

Fast forward to many years later. I was in the Dominican Republic for a mission trip with a team and was asked to speak on serving. I practiced my heart out and knew the message well. I still remember feeling anxious and nervous. Then I heard the Spirit almost whisper, “Colin… it’s not about you.. It’s about sharing Jesus. Do this and you will be successful no matter what. Lean on the Spirit and trust.”

A peace fell over me. In my weakness I was made strong. The Spirit gave me a peace prior to speaking I had never felt. I got up in front of everyone and spoke smoothly and clearly. I felt comforted and I felt confident. Not in myself… but in the Spirit of God.

My encouragement for you today is if yo uare facing something difficult or a weakness in your life is bringing you down. Lean on the Spirit. Pray to God and ask for comfort and confidence. Ask Him to remind you who you are and who He is. Allow the Spirit to help you in your weakness today.

God we love you and are so grateful for the truths you bring us through Your Word each day. Amen.

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